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Prince Darling Transformed Into the Monster |
The Blue Fairy Book (1889)
- The Bronze Ring
- Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess
- East of the Sun and West of the Moon
- The Yellow Dwarf
- Little Red Riding Hood
- The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood
- Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper
- Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp
- The Tale of a Youth Who Set Out to Learn What Fear Was
- Rumpelstiltskin
- Beauty and the Beast
- The Master Maid
- Why the Sea Is Salt
- The Master Cat or Puss in Boots
- Felicia and the Pot of Pinks
- The White Cat
- The Water-lily. The Gold-spinners
- The Terrible Head
- The Story of Pretty Goldilocks
- The History of Whittington
- The Wonderful Sheep
- Little Thumb
- The Forty Thieves
- Hansel and Gretel
- Snow-White and Rose-Red
- The Goose-girl
- Toads and Diamonds
- Prince Darling
- Blue Beard
- Trusty John
- The Brave Little Tailor
- A Voyage to Lilliput
- The Princess on the Glass Hill
- The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribanou
- The History of Jack the Giant-killer
- The Black Bull of Norroway
- The Red Etin
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The Twelve Princesses Quit the Castle by the Secret Staircase |
The Red Fairy Book (1890)
- The Twelve Dancing Princesses
- The Princess Mayblossom
- Soria Moria Castle
- The Death of Koschei the Deathless
- The Black Thief and Knight of the Glen
- The Master Thief
- Brother and Sister
- Princess Rosette
- The Enchanted Pig
- The Norka
- The Wonderful Birch
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- The Little Good Mouse
- Graciosa and Percinet
- The Three Princesses of Whiteland
- The Voice of Death
- The Six Sillies
- Kari Woodengown
- Drakestail
- The Ratcatcher
- The True History of Little Goldenhood
- The Golden Branch
- The Three Dwarfs
- Dapplegrim
- The Enchanted Canary
- The Twelve Brothers
- Rapunzel
- The Nettle Spinner
- Farmer Weatherbeard
- Mother Holle
- Minnikin
- Bushy Bride
- Snowdrop
- The Golden Goose
- The Seven Foals
- The Marvellous Musician
- The Story of Sigurd
The Green Fairy Book (1892)
- The Blue Bird
- The Half-Chick
- The Story of Caliph Stork
- The Enchanted Watch
- Rosanella
- Sylvain and Jocosa
- Fairy Gifts
- Prince Narcissus and the Princess Potentilla
- Prince Featherhead and the Princess Celandine
- The Three Little Pigs
- Heart of Ice
- The Enchanted Ring
- The Snuff-box
- The Golden Blackbird
- The Little Soldier
- The Magic Swan
- The Dirty Shepherdess
- The Enchanted Snake
- The Biter Bit
- King Kojata
- Prince Fickle and Fair Helena
- Puddocky
- The Story of Hok Lee and the Dwarfs
- The Story of the Three Bears
- Prince Vivien and the Princess Placida
- Little One-eye, Little Two-eyes, and Little Three-eyes
- Jorinde and Joringel
- Allerleirauh; or, the Many-furred Creature
- The Twelve Huntsmen
- Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle
- The Crystal Coffin
- The Three Snake-leaves
- The Riddle
- Jack my Hedgehog
- The Golden Lads
- The White Snake
- The Story of a Clever Tailor
- The Golden Mermaid
- The War of the Wolf and the Fox
- The Story of the Fisherman and his Wife
- The Three Musicians
- The Three Dogs
The Yellow Fairy Book (1894)
- The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership
- The Six Swans
- The Dragon of the North
- Story of the Emperor's New Clothes
- The Golden Crab
- The Iron Stove
- The Dragon and his Grandmother
- The Donkey Cabbage
- The Little Green Frog
- The Seven-headed Serpent
- The Grateful Beasts
- The Giants and the Herd-boy
- The Invisible Prince
- The Crow
- How Six Men Travelled Through the Wide World
- The Wizard King
- The Nixy
- The Glass Mountain
- Alphege, or the Green Monkey
- Fairer-than-a-Fairy
- The Three Brothers
- The Boy and the Wolves, or the Broken Promise
- The Glass Axe
- The Dead Wife
- In the Land of Souls
- The White Duck
- The Witch and Her Servants
- The Magic Ring
- The Flower Queen's Daughter
- The Flying Ship
- The Snow-daughter and the Fire-son
- The Story of King Frost
- The Death of the Sun-hero
- The Witch
- The Hazel-nut Child
- The Story of Big Klaus and Little Klaus
- Prince Ring
- The Swineherd
- How to tell a True Princess
- The Blue Mountains
- The Tinder-box
- The Witch in the Stone Boat
- Thumbelina
- The Nightingale
- Hermod and Hadvor
- The Steadfast Tin-soldier
- Blockhead Hans
- A Story about a Darning-needle
The Pink Fairy Book (1897)
- The Cat's Elopement
- How the Dragon was Tricked
- The Goblin and the Grocer
- The House in the Wood
- Uraschimataro and the Turtle
- The Slaying of the Tanuki
- The Flying Trunk
- The Snow Man
- The Shirt-Collar
- The Princess in the Chest
- The Three Brothers
- The Snow-queen
- The Fir-Tree
- Hans, the Mermaid's Son
- Peter Bull
- The Bird 'Grip'
- Snowflake
- I know what I have learned
- The Cunning Shoemaker
- The King who would have a Beautiful Wife
- Catherine and her Destiny
- How the Hermit helped to win the King's Daughter
- The Water of Life
- The Wounded Lion
- The Man without a Heart
- The Two Brothers
- Master and Pupil
- The Golden Lion
- The Sprig of Rosemary
- The White Dove
- The Troll's Daughter
- Esben and the Witch
- Princess Minon-Minette
- Maiden Bright-eye
- The Merry Wives
- King Lindworm
- The Jackal, the Dove, and the Panther
- The Little Hare
- The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue
- The Story of Ciccu
- Don Giovanni de la Fortuna
The Grey Fairy Book (1900)
- Donkey Skin
- The Goblin Pony
- An Impossible Enchantment
- The Story of Dschemil and Dachemila
- Janni and the Draken
- The Partnership of the Thief and the Liar
- Fortunatus and his Purse
- The Goat-faced Girl
- What came of picking Flowers
- The Story of Bensurdatu
- The Magician's Horse
- The Little Gray Man
- Herr Lazarus and the Draken
- The Story of the Queen of the Flowery Isles
- Udea and her Seven Brothers
- The White Wolf
- Mohammed with the Magic Finger
- Bobino
- The Dog and the Sparrow
- The Story of the Three Sons of Hali
- The Story of the Fair Circassians
- The Jackal and the Spring
- The Bear
- The Sunchild
- The Daughter of Buk Ettemsuch
- Laughing Eye and Weeping Eye, or the Limping Fox
- The Unlooked for Prince
- The Simpleton
- The Street Musicians
- The Twin Brothers
- Cannetella
- The Ogre
- A Fairy's Blunder
- Long, Broad, and Quickeye
- Prunella
The Violet Fairy Book (1901)
- A Tale Of the Tontlawald
- The Finest Liar in the World
- The Story of Three Wonderful Beggars
- Schippeitaro
- The Three Princes and their Beasts
- The Goat's Ears of the Emperor Trojan
- The Nine Pea-hens and the Golden Apples
- The Lute Player
- The Grateful Prince
- The Child who came from an Egg
- Stan Bolovan
- The Two Frogs
- The Story of a Gazelle
- How a Fish swam in the Air and a Hare in the Water
- Two in a Sack
- The Envious Neighbour
- The Fairy of the Dawn
- The Enchanted Knife
- Jesper Who Herded the Hares
- The Underground Workers
- The History of Dwarf Long Nose
- The Nunda, Eater of People
- The Story of Hassebu
- The Maiden with the Wooden Helmet
- The Monkey and the Jelly-fish
- The Headless Dwarfs
- The Young Man Who Would Have His Eyes Opened
- The Boys with the Golden Stars
- The Frog
- The Princess Who Was Hidden Underground
- The Girl Who Pretended to be a Boy
- The Story of Halfman
- The Prince Who Wanted to See the World
- Virgilius the Sorcerer
- Mogarzea and his Son
The Crimson Fairy Book (1903)
- Lovely Ilonka
- Lucky Luck
- The Hairy Man
- To Your Good Health!
- The Story of the Seven Simons
- The Language of Beasts
- The Boy Who Could Keep a Secret
- The Prince and the Dragon
- Little Wildrose
- Tiidu the Piper
- Paperarello
- The Gifts of the Magician
- The Strong Prince
- The Treasure Seeker
- The Cottager and his Cat
- The Prince Who Would Seek Immortality
- The Stone-cutter
- The Gold-bearded Man
- Tritill, Litill, and the Birds
- The Three Robes
- The Six Hungry Beasts
- How the Beggar Boy turned into Count Piro
- The Rogue and the Herdsman
- Eisenkopf
- The Death of Abu Nowas and of his Wife
- Motikatika
- Niels and the Giants
- Shepherd Paul
- How the Wicked Tanuki was Punished
- The Crab and the Monkey
- The Horse Gullfaxi and the Sword Gunnfoder
- The Story of the Sham Prince, or the Ambitious Tailor
- The Colony of Cats
- How to find out a True Friend
- Clever Maria
- The Magic Kettle
The Brown Fairy Book (1904)
- What the Rose did to the Cypress
- Ball-Carrier and the Bad One
- How Ball-Carrier finished his Task
- The Bunyip
- Father Grumbler
- The Story of the Yara
- The Cunning Hare
- The Turtle and his Bride
- How Geirald the Coward was Punished
- Habogi
- How the Little Brother set Free his Big Brothers
- The Sacred Milk of Koumongoe
- The Wicked Wolverine
- The Husband of the Rat's Daughter
- The Mermaid and the Boy
- Pivi and Kabo
- The Elf Maiden
- How Some Wild Animals became Tame Ones
- Fortune and the Wood-Cutter
- The Enchanted Head
- The Sister of the Sun
- The Prince and the Three Fates
- The Fox and the Lapp
- Kisa the Cat
- The Lion and the Cat
- Which was the Foolishest?
- Asmund and Signy
- Rubezahl
- Story of the King who would be Stronger than Fate
- Story of Wali Dad the Simple-hearted
- Tale of a Tortoise and of a Mischievous Monkey
- The Knights of the Fish
The Orange Fairy Book (1906)
- The Story of the Hero Makoma
- The Magic Mirror
- Story of the King who would see Paradise
- How Isuro the Rabbit tricked Gudu
- Ian, the Soldier's Son
- The Fox and the Wolf
- How Ian Direach got the Blue Falcon
- The Ugly Duckling
- The Two Caskets
- The Goldsmith's Fortune
- The Enchanted Wreath
- The Foolish Weaver
- The Clever Cat
- The Story of Manus Pinkel the Thief
- The Adventures of a Jackal
- The Adventures of the Jackal's Eldest Son
- The Adventures of the Younger Son of the Jackal
- The Three Treasures of the Giants
- The Rover of the Plain
- The White Doe
- The Girl-Fish
- The Owl and the Eagle
- The Frog and the Lion Fairy
- The Adventures of Covan the Brown-haired
- The Princess Bella-Flor
- The Bird of Truth
- The Mink and the Wolf
- Adventures of an Indian Brave
- How the Stalos were Tricked
- Andras Baive
- The White Slipper
- The Magic Book
The Olive Fairy Book (1907)
- Madschun
- The Blue Parrot
- Geirlug The King's Daughter
- The Story of Little King Loc
- A Long-Bow Story
- Jackal or Tiger?
- The Comb and the Collar
- The Thanksgiving of the Wazir
- Samba the Coward
- Kupti and Imani
- The Strange Adventures of Little Maia
- Diamond Cut Diamond
- The Green Knight
- The Five Wise Words of the Guru
- The Golden-Headed Fish
- Dorani
- The Satin Surgeon
- The Billy Goat and the King
- The Story of Zoulvisia
- Grasp All, Lose All
- The Fate of the Turtle
- The Snake Prince
- The Prince and the Princess in the Forest
- The Clever Weaver
- The Boy Who Found Fear At Last
- He Wins Who Waits
- The Steel Cane
- The Punishment of the Fairy Gangana
- The Silent Princess
The Lilac Fairy Book (1910)
- The Shifty Lad
- The False Prince and the True
- The Jogi's Punishment
- The Heart of a Monkey
- The Fairy Nurse
- A Lost Paradise
- How Brave Walter Hunted Wolves
- The King of the Waterfalls
- A French Puck
- The Three Crowns
- The Story of a Very Bad Boy
- The Brown Bear of Norway
- Little Lasse
- 'Moti'
- The Enchanted Deer
- A Fish Story
- The Wonderful Tune
- The Rich Brother and the Poor Brother
- The One-Handed Girl
- The Bones of Djulung
- The Sea King's Gift
- The Raspberry Worm
- The Stones of Plouhinec
- The Castle of Kerglas
- The Battle of the Birds
- The Lady of the Fountain
- The Four Gifts
- The Groac'h of the Isle of Lok
- The Escape of the Mouse
- The Believing Husbands
- The Hoodie-Crow
- The Brownie of the Lake
- The Winning of Olwen